Enter your name and phone number, and I will call you within 24 hours. Then I can hear about your challenges with anxiety and you can hear how therapy can help you let go of it. It’s totally free and non-binding
Of course, you can also reach me directly on my phone: +45 61 27 18 99.
My greatest passion is to help people free of anxiety.
As a certified psychodynamic psychotherapist, I was trained at Psykoterapeutuddannelsen’s 4,5-year programme and later took the Psychotherapist Masterclass of Gabor Mate. Both are particularly focused on the treatment of anxiety through an investigation of the unconscious and surpressed emotions that lie beneath the anxiety.
As a result of my education and personal experiences with psychotherapy – both as client and therapist – I am confident that anxiety can be let go of – permanently. It does not have to hijack your body or control your life in any way. The freedom and peace in a life without anxiety is something I deeply wish more people would experience.
Many people are kept in anxiety treatments that only treat symptoms temporarily. They don’t reach the core issue. It is deeply unsatisfying, and something I will do everything in my power to change.
First and foremost anxiety treatment requires a space of trust, openness, recognition, and safety. As a psychoterapist, it is my most important job to create such a space.
Roskildevej 46,
2000 Frederiksberg